Are you confused as to what your purpose is in life? Creative people tend to go on and on and don’t know when to stop thinking, creating, and speaking. This lack of order is due to one’s bad habits. But we can have order so our creative effort can flourish. We can be free of the discord and live the life we want down deep to live. It begins with creating good habits.
We can only replace habit for habit. So create good habits and the bad habits dissolve. Habits at first may not come easy and discord with the mind should be anticipated. However, well formed habits become a pleasure to perform, are performed easily and satisfaction is the reward. We can do so much more when we have good habits in place..
Make sense?
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The Master Key Introduction and Part 1 Key to Master your Thoughts
The Golden Buddha Story And Your Thoughts
Our thoughts are said to create things. Whether it’s Charles F. Haanel, Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles or James Allen, we are created to master our thought life. We have a purpose that is greater than the conditioning shouting in our conscious mind. The master of all matter has created us to unfold our purpose and it’s our responsibility to do so with enthusiasm and power.
The story of the golden Buddha is a metaphor for the authentic self, one of gold and of great value, that has been covered up to protect it from invaders due to fear of harm. The sad side is that the Buddha is covered in stone and its true value incapable of exhibiting the value to mankind. The good side is that due to an outside force, be it an obstacle, another individual, or a circumstance, that value is revealed again. At that point, the Buddha break off the coverup and revealed it’s true value. So it is for you!
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In the book “The Greatest Salesman In the World”, Og Mandino shares his belief about what wealth actually is. I’ve recorded part of chapter 3 and listed a couple paragraphs to wet your whistle.
Pathros shook his head. “Wealth, my son, should never be your goal in life. Your words are eloquent but they are mere words. True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse.” Hafid persisted, “Art thou not wealthy, sire?” The old man smiled at Hafid’s boldness. “Hafid, so far as material wealth is concerned, there is only one difference between myself and the lowliest beggar outside Herod’s palace. The beggar thinks only of his next meal and I think only of the meal that will be my last. No, my son, do not aspire for wealth and labor not only to be rich. Strive instead for happiness, to be loved and to love, and most important, to acquire peace of mind and serenity. Og Mandino “The Greatest Salesman in the World”
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Questioning Happiness
What is your emotional level? Low? We want to move from low to high to help us get through our day to feel great! But perhaps you question your happiness as I did! Worried? There is an instinct in nature! GOD! nature is a proponent of positive thought!
Everything in nature is moving towards creating something greater!
Love, joy, happiness are places we can dwell.
Feeling Happiness
Learning to observe thoughts and feelings are some of the special trainings I received in The Master Key Experience. I’m learning how to think better! We learn to become open to the better and better life! “Joy comes in the morning” Holy Bible
#1 Secret To Happiness
From Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World
“I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny!
Happiness is your Destiny
I found so many things we did in The Master Key Experience a great help for me. My favorite was connection with others like myself – likeminded individuals. I loved having a guide to direct me toward the next steps without spoiling the surprise that each weeks webinar gave me. I loved the childlike practices, so simple yet powerful. I loved practicing being honest with myself. I loved all the prepared statements that guided me to my greatest interests.
Happiness in The Master Key Experience
Without The Master Key Experience, my life would be on the same ole’ same ole’ track it had been for several years. I found out about the class from an email I was sent. Perhaps you will find a similar email. If it’s your time, you will notice it. I sure did and I’m so glad I discovered the next step to manifesting the better and better life; one where happiness reigns supreme, where steadiness of faith and depth of gratitude become effortless practices.
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The Master Key Experience gave happiness a permanent place in my life.
The following list gives us the keys to a positive mental attitude as Napoleon Hill so wisely shares in the above video.
Well this brings us to the seventh visit, and I hope to hand you the master key to success before I finish, because my subject will lead you so near to the majesty key that you will be apt to recognize. As I have suggested in previous visits, a positive mental attitude can clear away all obstacles which stand between you and your major purpose in life. Because of the importance of the subject of our visit, I shall not only tell you that a positive mental attitude heads the entire list of the twelve great riches in life but I am going to give you explicit instructions as to what you must do to keep your mind positive. In all the success books I have written, I have never suggested to my readers what they should do without clearly telling them how to do it.
Are you ready?
If you are ready, this visit may bring the most important change in your life you have ever experienced.
1. Learn to adjust yourself to other people’s state of mind and difficulties so as to get along peacefully with them and to refrain from taking notice of trivial circumstances in your relations with other people by refusing to allow them to become controversial incidents. Great people always avoid small incidences of controversy when possible.
2. Establish for yourself a definite fixed system of conditioning your mind at the beginning of each day so you will keep it positive under all circumstances.
Freedom is positive mental attitude
3. Learn the art of selling yourself to other people by indirection such as asking leading questions which will bring out the short reactions from others which you desire and do not permit yourself to be drawn into argument over unimportant subjects.
4. Adopt the habit of having a good hardy laugh every time you become irritated or angry and it will help you if you begin each day with one minute of hardy laughing. This will change the chemistry in your brain and start you out with a positive mental attitude. However, you had better get out of sight when you take your laughing exercise.
Start your day with a positive mental attitude
5. Start each day with an expression of gratitude for all the adversities, defeats, failures you have experienced in the past and search for the seed of an equivalent benefit these have yielded you through the passing of time. Then give thanks for the blessings you expect to receive during the day.
6. Learn to concentrate your attention on the ‘can do’ portion of all your problems and desires and start action where you stand in carrying out this portion. No matter what may be your problem or your desire there is always something you can do right now that can help you. Find out about what this something is and do it.
7. Learn to transmute all unpleasant circumstances into immediate action which calls for a positive mental attitude and make this a fixed habit. For example when you are angry, switch your mind to some sort of action in connection with your hobby or your major purpose in life and keep it busy with that subject for five minutes.
8. Recognize that every circumstance which influences your life, whether it is a pleasant or unpleasant circumstance is grist for your mill of life and if so, use it to make it pay you dividends in one form or another, remembering meanwhile that your strength grows out and your struggles. Follow this instruction and you will soon learn that there is no such thing as an unprofitable experience.
9. Look upon your life as a continuous process of education of learning from all your experiences good and bad and be always on the alert for gains of wisdom which come to you a little at a time in both your pleasant and unpleasant experiences.
10. Make the world over to fit your own pattern, if you choose, but begin with yourself in some sort of self-improvement which will make you more open-minded, patient and generous in your relations with others.
Expressing gratitude is part of a positive mental attitude
11. Express gratitude twice daily for your recognition of the fact that you have been given complete control over your own mind and ask for guidance in order that you may use this profound gift wisely in all your thoughts and acts.
12. Go out of your way daily to comment enthusiastically on the good qualities in those with whom you live and work but do not mention their negative qualities. Then observe this benefit to yourself how quickly others will begin to concentrate on your good qualities. Remember, I’m still talking about how to keep your mind positive.
13. Accept all criticism of yourself as an occasion for self-examination to determine how much of it is justified and you will be sure to make startling discoveries about yourself which will help you the remainder of your life.
14. Do not accept from life or anyone else anything you do not desire and remember that Mahatma Gandhi proved himself to be more powerful than the great British military forces
by this simple method of passive resistance.
15. Remember always that there are two kinds of circumstances which cause you to worry; those you can do something about and those you can do nothing about, nothing, that is, except to use passive resistance and refuse to permit them to worry you.
Managing worry and a positive mental attitude
16. Keep your mind eternally engaged in thinking of that which you desirable most, your major purpose in life, so no time will be left for you to waste on thinking of that which you do not want, and let me digress here while I tell you we are now rubbing elbows with the great master key of success this very moment.
17. If you should ever be so unfortunate as to feel sorry for yourself look around until you find someone who is worse off than yourself and start where you stand to give him help. Make this procedure a habit and you will witness one of the great miracles of life because that which you do to or for another you do to or for yourself.
18. Choose some person whom you consider to be the sort of person you would like to be, then go to work and emulate that person in every way possible. Great people have always been hero worshipers but they picked the right sort of people to emulate.
19. Cultivate your tone of voice so that your words have a pleasing musical sound and remember that the sound of your voice is an open window through which other people look into your very soul. It will be a profitable investment if you will get a tape recording machine and record samples of your voice daily while you practice the art and expressing yourself through a friendly sounding voice. If you’re engaged in selling, this practice will quickly pay off in monetary dividends.
20. Last, but by no means the least, write out this sentence and paste it in a prominent place where you work and on a mirror where you see yourself in your home. ‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve.’ Remember also that you are the only person who can provide you with a positive mental attitude. What are you going to do about it? On your answer to this question rests your entire future.
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Get use to it!
Having a positive mental attitude is an ongoing practice for an abundant satisfying lifestyle.
The whole range then of the theory and practice of any system of metaphysics
consists in knowing the Truth concerning yourself and the world in which you live;
in knowing that in order to express harmony, you must think harmony; in order to
express health you must think health; and in order to express abundance you must
think abundance; to do this you must reverse the evidence of the senses.
Truth and Omnipotence
Those who heal diseases by mental methods have come to know this truth, they
demonstrate it in their lives and the lives of others daily. They know that life, health
and abundance are Omnipresent, filling all space, and they know that those who
allow disease or lack of any kind to manifest, have as yet not come into an
understanding of this great law.
Truth and the Silence
The method for removing this error is to go into the Silence and know the Truth;
as all mind is one mind, you can do this for yourself or anyone else. If you have
learned to form mental images of the conditions desired, this will be the easiest and
quickest way to secure results; if not, results can be accomplished by argument, by
the process of convincing yourself absolutely of the truth of your statement.
These preceeding paragraphs are part of the content of the Master Key book by Charles Haanel. In the Masterkey Experience course, I have learned so much about how to think correctly so that I come to live the abundant life; a life of proper understanding and not of superstition or fear. My definite major purpose has been established yet, I am learning further my connection with the divine and that “being” one with infinite intelligence is key to living the purpose I was placed on earth to attain.
We are meant to expand, just as all nature. To be one with nature is to assist in the evolution of mankind both spiritually and mentally. Those who have engaged in the 2014 course and those coming after will further the mission to be part of the call to expand the world to achieve the potential of mankind. I’m proud to be part of the class and to have attracted it toward me.
Masterminding and Truth
Being part of MKMMA, other likeminded individuals have been attracted to each other and networks for future endeavors have ensued. To be part of a group of people of this caliber of mindset is amazing and I am honored to call all my classmates friends. If you the reader find this information of interest and are curious and even excited to get more information about next session course, click the banner below and sign in to get updates on class enrollment for the next fall session.
For several days, I’ve been preparing for the future. MKMMA has taught me that money weaves itself into the entire fabric of our very existence and that the law of success is service. Haanel makes the statement that I should consider it a great privilege to be able to give.
The Masterkey Part 23 Serving
“We Get What We Give.”
In writing these words, I desire to serve you, the reader. What can I say that will accomplish this? Emerson states that I should just be myself, my true self! Should I care what others think about me? Should I follow the crowd? Emerson’s writing has been challenging for me. One of my mastermind partners reaffirmed that he is a hard read. I can read Haanel 5 times over in the time it takes me to absorb Emerson’s work on “Self reliance”. But I desire to serve you and so I write this in hope that you, the reader will attract to yourself some next step of thought that will add life to your life and position you further along the path on the track of abundant life.
Serving Myself
Because thought is a creative activity, we are all a continual evolution of thought as we live in this human body. Fascinated at times with the awesomeness of this truth, I am designed to lean forward and create. In “sitting”, we’re to listen to the silence. In this active rest, we give the divine permission to light ideas upon us. Respect for the divine is respect for our own greatness. So I serve myself as I “sit”, as I think, as I create with my imagination, and as I see the future I long for as a present reality. I ask the question, as you may have asked “How can I serve myself while serving others?”
Somewhat confused as to which comes first, I read my DMP and BPB. I continue to create good habits of reading and rehearsing my future self. At some point, I begin living as my future self and things get muddled. I don’t know where I am. Am I in my new reality or just rehearsing? At this point, I decide to serve others.
Serving the World
Connecting with the Divine is like breathing. I God is so close, the lines are undefinable. In my present reality, circumstances are happening everywhere. I take responsibility for what presses on me; getting my house on the real estate market, cleaning, packing, keeping my phone appointments, giving value in conversations on and off the phone. Letting go of some connections that distracted me from creating income producing activities.
Overall, I lack focus in my “sits”. Not focusing on what I’m not doing, I decided to keep going and living abundantly as I’m encouraged to do. Networking in class has been a great help. I love my mastermind partners and while I could write of many things here, I choose to share the highlights of class and of my present thoughts.
The Masterkey Experience has reaffirmed many things I have known and clarified so much of what missing parts I needed on my journey. So happy with the concept of this class, I got to discover these parts myself. Yes, I’ve been guided and yes, I loved every word Mark, Davene and the team spoke in Sunday webinars. I’m happy for the scholarship program and how I am contributing to assisting nature by my giving.
“It is inevitable that the entertainment of positive, constructive and unselfish thoughts should have a far reaching effect for good. Compensation is the keynote of the universe. Nature is constantly seeking to strike an equilibrium. where something is sent out something must be received; else there should be a vacuum formed.” Haanel The Master Key Part 23
The Divine Serving
God, Infinite Intelligence has set things up for us to be compensated over and over. To honor the divine, I have chosen to recognize the part I play in this experience. It keeps coming back to me that the essence of this journey is communion with the divine. I value quality relationships and God keeps showing up every day with quality I can’t deny. I am so intimately connected that each breath I take, I take with Him (pardon the gender reference if that offers too intimate a relationship for you.) In loving the divine, I love myself.
I dance daily with the air, with my senses, with my interaction with nature. I beg to be of service in a way that’s measurable and desire compensation that is recognizable so that I may know that I’ve lived abundantly. However, in wanting something on the outside, let us remember that knowing we have already been compensated on the inside with all that we need, it’s now to manifest what we desire.. as we do this, we are living and serving the thrival life!
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles is said to be the “short cut” to the mindset for getting rich. Doing things in a certain way alluded me for a very long time. When I finally “got it”, I had been putting the emphasis on the wrong word. I focused on “way”. However, Wattles meant for me to focus on the word “certain”.
The Science of Getting Rich Chapter 17 (Summary)
It makes a big difference. Can you see it? I’ve been part of a mastermind group call where we read the final chapter of the book together once a week and then reviewed questions on each of the chapters. Each week, our guide “supported” one of the groups “intention” or DMP (definite major purpose). A true mastermind, it seemed like we focused on each word we spoke and when someone would say “try”, they’d quickly be asked about the word so that we’d be able to distinguish the purpose for that word. Did the word support our DMP? Did is exhibit a “limiting belief?” A mastermind of this caliber engages our ears and hearts. Limited to about 6-8 of us on a regular basis, our minds formed a “super human” mind and I find it an exercise in patience and conscious awareness.
Training and Emotions
Reading Og this week came easier earlier in the day. Some nights, I’d be reading and falling asleep after a few sentences and wake up and read a few more sentences. My days seem to contain more activity. I spend about 8 hrs a week masterminding. I spend 8 more hours prospecting and team building. I love Go 90 Grow trainings for network marketing and shared the videos with my team. This week, I got to read the 5 stories to a new prospect turned consultant. It was just as Mark said. Doug was filling in the answer when I said “Bob” or “Do you want to do something about it?”
I’ve enclosed the last chapter of “The Science of Getting Rich” for your listening pleasure. I actually have all 17 chapters recorded and you can check them out here.
Finally, in my sit, I sat thinking about how closely I am connected with infinite intelligence (God). “closer than hands and feet”, “connected like the breath I inhale and exhale. I’m enjoying managing my emotions, as directed in Og. I came to learn that to manage them means that they should not take us too far away from our “center”. Do you ever get soooooo excited and go off the edge? Do you ever get soooo angry that you go off that edge? We’re learning not to veer off in any direction so far that it becomes difficult to get back to the steady road to prosperity.
Too low and too high – My Emotions
I use to wake up in the morning and immediately felt “off”. Now I think grateful thoughts before sleep and when I rise, determine to put on some music or think of things I’m grateful for. Og doesn’t tell us why we wake up feeling high or low. He just says it happens. What I liked was that he said “yesterdays sadness becomes today’s joy.” That’s a great hope for us. And when we are happy, be aware that we may wake up differently.
Setting an intention
I’ve decided to give myself some support when I mastermind with “me myself and I”. I tell myself during the different segments of each day what I intend that part to be. Driving, I state that I enjoy the drive, the drivers are good, and I arrive in due time happy. Before bed, I state that I’ll have sweet dreams and wake up renewed and refreshed.
Normally, I share more of Haanel but we’re on a “part 2” week, so I’ll save that for next week. Enjoy “The Science of Getting Rich.” If you want to download my reading of each chapter, check this out. Then you can put them on your ipod, ipad, phone or tablet.
Have an emotionally happy and steadfast week! Looking forward to masterminding with many of you!
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Managing your emotions will keep you on the path to true prosperity.
I thought I had power. I was strong. I could run fast. I could throw a ball far. I could do many physical things which showed I had a kind of power. BUT, what I was unaware of until the Master Key course, is that I had very little power to concentrate for long periods of time on thoughts that could generate much success in life.
Power to the People
Haanel has laid out the Master Key with such focus. He gave us a wonderful example through out the book of focus on the subject of success and he had a plan which showed us the way to it. I’m reminded of the yellow brick road to Oz. The Master Key is that road! Of course, the journey is filled with obstacles. Yet, the power we’re given in the writing is one that all people would be well to read, observe, reflect on and then take action on.
What is the real secret of Power?
“It’s the consciousness of power, because whatever we become conscious of is invariably manifested in the objective world and is brought forth into tangible expression.” The Master Key
This week so many students in class are experiencing the beginning of the what the farmer calls “digging up the fallow ground”. We’re all at the beginning stages of planting seeds for the season. We know what seeds we want to plant. We’ve picked them and called them our DMP. We’ve actually picked them up at the DMP store, our imagination. We’ve laid out the garden and we’ve begun ‘making calls, writing outlines for books, forgiven others, memorized the 7 laws of the mind, and many more preparatory activities.
Seed Power
The Power Source
Many years ago, I coined the phrase, “We plant the seed but God makes it grow!” Haanel states “The Universal Mind (God) is the source from which all things proceed, and which is one and indivisible.” Yes, we may receive the seed of an idea from God, which is our privilege as nature’s greatest miracle. And if we take responsibility for that seed and plant it, nurture it and give it sunshine and rain, it will grow.
Did we make the rain? NO. Did we make the sun? NO Did we make the seed? Actually NO. However, we are so wonderful and get to choose a seed to plant. And Universal Mind, in the wonder of it all, makes that seed grow. What a miracle we are part of!
The Power of Us
The Power of Us
Our ability to think is our ability to act on this Universal Energy. and what we think is what is produced or created in the objective world. The result is nothing less than marvelous. It opens unprecedented and limitless opportunity.
So think big thoughts! Hold ideas large enough to counteract and destroy all petty and annoying obstacles!
Old Power vs New Power
Haanel makes it very clear in Chapter 21 that there is an old regime and a new regime, in regards to the nature of the universe. The old regime is trying to cling to the fatalistic doctrine of Divine election. The new regime recognizes the divinity of the individual, the democracy of humanity. Having been part of the “church” for many years, this subject was a part of conversations I had with some home-school friends.
At the time, there were conversations about the roots of Christianity and what Paul meant, or what Jesus meant. Frankly, I DON’T CARE! To me, it’s all about the love! It always has been. However, though I didn’t buy into all the doctrine over ‘baby baptism or adult baptism’ and such, Haanel’s teaching is something I feel I can hang my hat on.
God is not mocked. What has been set up from the beginning, always will be. God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. (Always was, is and always will be) The laws are immutable. We are all to one degree or another part of the whole and God is the whole! Life is by law a democracy and all humanity has the privilege of drawing on the power to experience the greatness potentially waiting to be planted, watered and harvested!
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We are all the seed of supernatural greatness! I say “more power to the people!” For goodness sake, learn what it means to live the abundant, filled with power, life!
This week I learned something I could add to my new reality. A new thought started a train of causation which created a condition in accordance to the quality of the thought which originated it. Here is a 5 min audio sharing it.
As I have read in Haanel, it is unwise to coerce the Universal. Instead, with principles of right thinking in place, we are welcome to concentrate on the fact that “In him we live and move and have our being.”
Science helping us create our new reality
Not only does Haanel state that these principles are scientifically true but Napoleon Hill asserts them as well. Wallace Wattles in “The Science Of Getting Rich“, obviously states them too. I am hearing over and over that science does for us something we may not be able to do alone. It hypothesizes and concludes, questions and analyzes. We are so privileged to receive the results in books like “The Master Key.”
The Bible and Reality
Some people say that what we believe may be a lie. So belief without scientific proof is unstable and therefore may not be true enough for the subconscious mind to take in. Of course with auto suggestion, we secure it further. However, scientific proof seems to make it easy for us to accept. The quality of the thought will grant us the condition equal to the thought.
Faith and Reality
Aligning with Infinite Intelligence, Universal Mind, God, begins with “sitting” for 15 – 30 minutes daily in contemplation of our thoughts. Amazingly, by law of attraction we can measure the quality of our thoughts as we sit. For instance.. sit and think about negative things and the quality of the thought by law of attraction will give you negative conditions. It matters not the the kind of thought. Seed gives back the fruit of that seed.
What is the best reality?
We have learned that God is love, life, soul, spirit, intelligence, truth and principle. Principle is the wealth of life. Our best reality as we discover our authentic self and purpose is alignment with the quality thoughts of Universal Mind – God. When we breathe in, we breathe in the breath of life.. the essence of God. So by acknowledging and learning more and more, we forever reach optimistically for a grander reality of life. Purpose is not far behind.
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I am because he is. I am spirit and I am made in his image and likeness. This is my best reality.