What is on your mind?
“The Master Key, Part 5”
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Charles Haanel states this about mind:
Exerpt from “The Master Key, Part 5” on the power of the mind

Therefore, this is a creative age, and the world is awarding its richest prizes to the thinkers. Matter is powerless, passive, inert. Mind is force, energy, power. Mind shapes and controls matter. Every form which matter takes is but the expression of some pre-existing thought. But thought works no magic transformations; it obeys natural laws; it sets in motion natural forces; it releases natural energies; it manifests in your conduct and actions, and these in turn react upon your friends and acquaintances, and eventually upon the whole of your environment. You can originate thought, and, since thoughts are creative, you can create for yourself the things you desire.
What’s on my mind matters!
I have looked to the world without too long. What I found was everyone else’s idea of what I should do after I got divorced. I looked to God in my room and sat by the window on my wicker rocking chair. Part of me became engaged in an intense conversation with God. Part of me saw my circumstances and trembled at the idea of living with the “D” across my chest. As a christian, I had this idea that I must not have been trusting God and that’s why I was in this predicament. My view was skewed by my past beliefs and I was very mixed up.
How was it that I felt so empowered on the streets of NYC praying for healing and them getting the results of my prayer; while in my room, I felt crippled to heal myself? This uncertainty became tiring and I would come away from those conversations thinking that I had no power.

What was the matter with my mind?
What mattered was that something inside me would not give up trying. Yes, at that time I knew to “try”… not being certain, since I did not trust myself to hear correctly or have good habits of thinking in place. Many in my MKMMA class can testify to this, I’m sure. But I didn’t know that to try meant I lacked certainty. In the bible it means, I could not expect to receive anything if I were to think that trying in prayer was believing. Actually, I believed God but didn’t make the connection that God in me and me in Him meant that what I wanted was mine because he gives to us liberally. Somehow, I missed that part! haha!
Still scattered without soundness of mind and good habits, I continued stumbling forward and backward. Like a child learning to walk without holding on, I fell down so many times. Later, I learned to believe with more “certainty”. Nature and instinct had a better plan and I am prompted to admit that I have come so far that I can now “RUN”.
Matters of the mind
Reading self growth books, listening to podcasts and watching videos, I gathered quite a quiver of arrows. My target is in sight. Creative effort has taken the place of competition. I discovered messages like this one from “The Master Key, part 5, number 2
2. The subconscious can and will solve any problem for us if we know how to direct it. The subconscious processes are always at work; the only question is, are we to be simply passive recipients of this activity, or are we to consciously direct the work? Shall we have a vision of the destination to be reached, the dangers to be avoided, or shall we simply drift?
My subconscious mind has the answers
I am learning how the subconscious mind is working. The only part I still need to embrace is how to work with the “I” in me to assist creating the change I desire for my life. The processes are always at work and I know I must be active to reach my destination.
I have come to believe so far that my action steps are:
1. Choose habits of good feeling thoughts to avoid discord
2. Approach my circumstances with belief that my purpose is being realized NOW.
3. Neglect not the truth that the subconscious mind is always at work promoting good to all.
4. Practice being the observer: envision in my mind what I am thinking.

Mind over Matter
What I think about I bring about. Wow! What a responsibility! If you feel overwhelmed by that, you’re not without friends. So let’s look at “responsibility” another way; the “ability” to “respond. ” We have been given what “The Greatest Salesman in the World” by Og Mandino says. ‘Nature and instinct are already inside us’. Yes, all we need is within us NOW. What’s needed is orderly control. Being scattered about abundance, I came to realize all the past beliefs I held we in conflict with God, who is all about advancement for all. These false beliefs came from absorbing the generational beliefs about wealth, poverty, sin and righteousness.
I had two grandmothers. My financially poor grandma lived a block from school and because she was always home, she was always there for me. She gave me quality time and tea and toast after school when I was too tired to walk the mile home. My wealthy grandma lived three towns away and in my mind too busy for me. In my mind, my sister, the oldest of seven children, was the only one she gave quality time to. Because my poor gram lived nearby and was always home, I associated that with love. This added ammo to by belief in her love for me. What I believed was not entirely true. Yet, until I exposed this belief as an adult, my inside created circumstances to support my false claim.
What my Mind thought about Wealth
With stories mom told me about my wealthy Grandma and her dislike of mom, I gathered more evidence against my supposed wealthy Grandmother. And as you can guess, I formed beliefs about wealth as well as love, from that. Glad for the knowledge of the truth, I can see the truth about abundance without the scattered confusion over love as it is connected with a wealthy lifestyle. Wow.. it’s a challenge. I am careful to use my most supportive words to share this with you because I choose to form good feeling thoughts and habits about love and abundance. I am finally the observer, being deliberate to change my minds’ vocabulary. I also am using index cards with confidence builder statements on them to reinforce that “I always keep my promises”. This promise statement is connected to other statements I read to reinforce that God loves me and desires me to be wealthy so I can spread this love and abundance message. This is truth!

Poverty of the Mind
No longer is man in the dark, but by human discovery of the power of mind thought, he may come out into the sunshine and be the light of the world. Let my words shine some light into the dark spots in you and together we may help each other stand up on that hill and shine our lights so all may see where the rocks and shoreline are, as we navigate to the safety of the harbor.
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Your mind is wealthy beyond what you may realize and you are coming into wealth NOW!