Tag Archives: thoughts

Week 22 Managing Your Emotions – Too High, Too Low

Emotions ruling you
Emotions ruling you

Master key Chapter 22

Managing Emotions

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles is said to be the “short cut” to the mindset for getting rich. Doing things in a certain way alluded me for a very long time. When I finally “got it”, I had been putting the emphasis on the wrong word. I focused on “way”. However, Wattles meant for me to focus on the word “certain”.

The Science of Getting Rich Chapter 17 (Summary)

It makes a big difference. Can you see it? I’ve been part of a mastermind group call where we read the final chapter of the book together once a week and then reviewed questions on each of the chapters. Each week, our guide “supported” one of the groups “intention” or DMP (definite major purpose). A true mastermind, it seemed like we focused on each word we spoke and when someone would say “try”, they’d quickly be asked about the word so that we’d be able to distinguish the purpose for that word. Did the word support our DMP? Did is exhibit a “limiting belief?” A mastermind of this caliber engages our ears and hearts. Limited to about 6-8 of us on a regular basis, our minds formed a “super human” mind and I find it an exercise in patience and conscious awareness.

Training and Emotions

Reading Og this week came easier earlier in the day. Some nights, I’d be reading and falling asleep after a few sentences and wake up and read a few more sentences. My days seem to contain more activity. I spend about 8 hrs a week masterminding. I spend 8 more hours prospecting and team building. I love Go 90 Grow trainings for network marketing and shared the videos with my team. This week, I got to read the 5 stories to a new prospect turned consultant. It was just as Mark said. Doug was filling in the answer when I said “Bob” or “Do you want to do something about it?”

I’ve enclosed the last chapter of “The Science of Getting Rich” for your listening pleasure. I actually have all 17 chapters recorded and you can check them out here.

Finally, in my sit, I sat thinking about how closely I am connected with infinite intelligence (God). “closer than hands and feet”, “connected like the breath I inhale and exhale. I’m enjoying managing my emotions, as directed in Og. I came to learn that to manage them means that they should not take us too far away from our “center”. Do you ever get soooooo excited and go off the edge? Do you ever get soooo angry that you go off that edge? We’re learning not to veer off in any direction so far that it becomes difficult to get back to the steady road to prosperity.

Too low and too high – My Emotions

I use to wake up in the morning and immediately felt “off”. Now I think grateful thoughts before sleep and when I rise, determine to put on some music or think of things I’m grateful for. Og doesn’t tell us why we wake up feeling high or low. He just says it happens. What I liked was that he said “yesterdays sadness becomes today’s joy.” That’s a great hope for us. And when we are happy, be aware that we may wake up differently.

Setting an intention

I’ve decided to give myself some support when I mastermind with “me myself and I”. I tell myself during the different segments of each day what I intend that part to be. Driving, I state that I enjoy the drive, the drivers are good, and I arrive in due time happy. Before bed, I state that I’ll have sweet dreams and wake up renewed and refreshed.

Normally, I share more of Haanel but we’re on a “part 2” week, so I’ll save that for next week. Enjoy “The Science of Getting Rich.” If you want to download my reading of each chapter, check this out. Then you can put them on your ipod, ipad, phone or tablet.

Have an emotionally happy and steadfast week! Looking forward to masterminding with many of you!

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Managing your emotions will keep you on the path to true prosperity.

Week 17 (again) Harmony for She and I


She and I harmony conversation
She and I harmony conversation

She and I Harmony

Having spent this past couple weeks reading Haanel Chapter 17 and then going back to 9 and 10,  I am stretching in many ways.  “She” is wanting to do one thing and “I” is wanting to do another. For instance, in my direct sales company they have “open enrollment” for a couple weeks. This is a great help to those who want to participate and the “money” thing is  stopping them. We all have questioned if we should invest money in our self  when doing so will require   time and energy away from what we are use to.

In our class we focus on our definite chief aim. Yet,  “I” is saying “It’s on your vision board!” And “she” is saying, “oh yeah, I have to make that list to call!”

Is your conscious and subconscious spending time together?
Is your conscious and subconscious spending time together?

The  She and I Harmony Conversation

I did make some progress. With the go90grow class opening up, I had to make the same choice as those prospects who aren’t jumping into a MLM or Direct Sales company because they are not sure if the investment is the best for them. I hesitated as Mark J mentioned on the webinar. Of course, we should feel in harmony with our decision and either say yes or no. “She” wasn’t sure. “I” knew if action was taken, forward progress would occur.

So rather than dwell on this, I focused on the harmony I felt in writing my book, “Brincely The Brave”.  It came in the mail and I looked it over.  Many people are happy for me and suggest I should be proud of myself. “I” am.

Following my passion and staying in harmony when there are several things going on in life, seems the best road. In my new book, which relates the idea of “birth”,  I wrote the quote  “I can accomplish far more than I have, and I “do”, for why should the miracle which produced me end with my birth? Why can I not extend that miracle to my deeds of today?” This book is best suited in the hands of pregnant moms and dads and would be a great gift from a parent. The inspiration will shift the mindset toward having “advanced thoughts” for the child in her womb.

She and “I” Thoughts about Harmony

I have been feeling an opening to imagine other resources. Games, curriculum, and adventures for children using the system feeling in harmony with what we are learning ourselves. The two areas of my dmp that are highlights and easy to envision are a creative coaching staff who uses my resources for teaching groups. My other easy to see vision is my lake house where my family visits often, which my press release shares.

When I think about them, I feel like I’m thinking correctly, as stated in Haanel’s Chapter 9.  “To think correctly, accurately, we must know the “Truth.” The truth then is the underlying principle in every business or social relation. It is a condition precedent to every right action. To know the truth, to be sure, to be confident, affords a satisfaction beside which no other is at all comparable; it is the only solid ground in a world of doubt, conflict and danger.”

She and I want a beautiful life of harmony
She and I want a beautiful life of Harmony

She and I in Business

Writing is effortless to me, especially if I enjoy the content. So writing my book came fairly easy and I was excited to include the concepts of The Master Key.  As for my Direct Sales company, I love the promotion they are running. The timing of things is decided by the company.  I’m looking forward to the effortless way I promote it to “humanity” while being in harmony with my DMP.  In my sit, I’m dedicating myself to envisioning each part of my dmp.

The desire I have put into writing my book is tremendous and I’m proud of myself for the time and imagination plus action for it’s attainment. I will do the same for my Direct Sales company beginning with my sit. However, I am being encouraged by my business partner to go through my list and get to calling everyone because this offer is only good until February 13.

Reasoning Will  with She and I

Imagining  the harmony of a team of people who joined my direct sales organization is coming. “She” wills it and ” I”  has incorporated it into my DMP (definite major purpose)  for a reason. Keeping it as “truthful” as I’m able, the foundation for success is in seeing in my imagination what it feels like to have  a team of people fully enjoying “residual” income. Yes, it’s a great thought. I want it.  So it will come.

In the meantime, I am enjoying envisioning how my new book, “Brincely The Brave” is going to bless my daughter and son in law. This too is part of my purpose.

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This harmony feels great!

Week 4: The Habit of Praying With Confidence And The Skills That Create It

Confidence and Prayer

The Master Key Part 4

This audio explains the simple way to attract what you want with confidence. The power of prayer is in using words with confidence to state what you want and override fear or discomfort.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/172446191″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

The Master Key to Confidence

The Master Key by Hannal states these deep concepts about confidence.

16. When you find that you are really one with the Infinite power, and when you can consciously realize this power by a practical demonstration of your ability to overcome any adverse condition by the power of your thought, you will have
nothing to fear; fear will have been destroyed and you will have come into possession of your birthright.

17. It is our attitude of mind toward life which determines the experiences with which we are to meet; if we expect nothing, we shall have nothing; if we demand much, we shall receive the greater portion. The world is harsh only as we fail to assert ourselves. The criticism of the world is bitter only to those who cannot compel room for their ideas. It is fear of this criticism that causes many ideas to fail to see the light of day.


Law of Attraction for Money
Are You Praying with Confidence for Riches

Prayers Help Confidence

The prayers of the righteous avail much. This means that a righteous person knows who he is and whose he is. He has confidence. He is part of God/Infinite source, and he knows the value of that connection. From this place, confidently asking for what he wants, he overrides the old thinking and puts a demand confidently on his subconscious mind. His “subby” goes about bringing all things together to give him the greater portion of what he asks for in prayer.

Attraction For Success
A full life includes confidence in your future

Confidence and Attraction

Stand up with confidence in your connection with God who knows all things and brings what you want to you. Because you assert yourself,  you have those things you desire. It may be a relationship, a job, a home, a restoration with a family member, or success of whatever nature you seek. 

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Do me a little favor and comment below! Thx!  This helps others receive the kind of content most attractive for creating good feeling thoughts which habitually encourage confidence and happiness.

Week 3 – Good Habits – Finding Pleasure in Being A Slave To Them.

Replacing Good Habits for Bad Habits

Caryn’s personal podcast

The Master key Part 3

Are you confused as to what your purpose is in life? Creative people tend to go on and on and don’t know when to stop thinking, creating, and speaking. This lack of order is due to one’s bad habits. But we can have order so our creative effort can flourish. We can be free of the discord and live the life we want down deep to live. It begins with creating good habits.

We can only replace habit for habit. So create good habits and the bad habits dissolve. Habits at first may not come easy and discord with the mind should be anticipated. However, well formed habits become a pleasure to perform, are performed easily and satisfaction is the reward. We can do so much more when we have good habits in place..

Make sense?

Good habits create greater freedom
Good habits create greater freedom

Satisfaction and Habits

Quote From  Abraham teachings:  “Life causes me in my physical body to expand. I felt discord of the expansion briefly. Because I care about feeling good, I’ve trained myself to follow the trail of good feeling thoughts. So I reach more optimistically. I reach more hopefully. I tell better feeling stories. I trained myself into positive expectations. I’m following the trail of the new idea. So I feel satisfied because I’m moving in the direction of who I am. As I do that, the vortex is calling all cooperative components. Because I’m optimistic and hopeful, I’m a pretty cooperative component. So I’m being pulled in the direction of it by the powerful Law of attraction and I’m feeling the satisfaction.”

The authentic self is unfolding with each new habit. Each new habit lifts off a layer. Creating new habits actually reveals your remembrance of the greater YOU.

 Bad Habits And Confusion

Our difficulties are largely due to confused ideas and ignorance of our true
interests. The great task is to discover the laws of nature to which we are to adjust ourselves. Clear thinking and moral insight are, therefore, of incalculable value. All processes, even those of thought, rest on solid foundations. (The Master Key)

Readings from The Master Key:  talking about how new habits will help us. The trained conscious mind, creating new habits, becomes the watchman at the gate. Read on!

13. Not only can it (conscious mind) impress other minds, but it can direct the subconscious mind. In this way the conscious mind becomes the responsible ruler and guardian of the subconscious mind. It is this high function which can completely reverse conditions in your life.
14. It is often true that conditions of fear, worry, poverty, disease, inharmony and evils of all kinds dominate us by reason of false suggestions accepted by the unguarded subconscious mind. All this the trained conscious mind can entirely prevent by its vigilant protective action. It may properly be called “the watchman at the gate” of the great subconscious domain.

Training on Habits

MKMMA training: The SCM has no defense against our voice. Speaking things out loud begins to influence the SCM.  Did you ever try to think about one thing and say something else? What happens? Talking always overtakes the thinking! This means that you can override those negative thoughts by speaking out loud!

Most people think that a stimulus comes into their life and they actually have a choice. They don’t. They just think they do. Our ego tells us there’s a stimulation. We have a choice and then we respond. The truth is… it’s stimulus- response. What we can do differently is understand is that the first is false. It’s your ego(thoughts inside your head) that thinks you have a choice. The subconscious is going to make all the decisions. So by using your conscious mind (speaking out loud), you keep false beliefs out and you feed it over and over and over again, truths and principles. The (thought, feeling, belief ) becomes the context of the response. So the choice is really what you have fed your subconscious mind.   You have a choice.. You have the ability to influence that!

Do you talk out loud to yourself? And I don’t mean cursing yourself out! I mean looking at yourself and building yourself up in love!  Do you talk out loud as you pray? Here is where you say to God who he said you are! Again, I don’t mean the religious lies that you deserve hell and if it wasn’t for Jesus, you will go there, to burn forever! That’s NOT what I mean. Find a list of promises from scripture that tell you things like “you are the child of the king. You are dearly loved.” Read this list aloud For those who have a burning desire to live abundantly, this is a great place to start!

Habits are easy to create with the power of declaration with feeling out loud. Learning to create a habit of stating affirmations daily, we cause our subconscious mind to believe these declarations and they sink in and become true to the subconscious mind. When we have need of creative ideas concerning our new habits. We call on the subconscious mind to bring about what meets our needs and “miracles” seem to happen. In truth, the subconscious mind is doing what we ask it to do. However, we are in control and it follows orders.

Good Habits Create Order
Good Habits Create Order

Habits and YOU

You have the ability to control your future to the extent that you create an intention, feel it daily as though you are in it. Your subconscious mind will search every avenue of knowledge, circumstances, and the like to bring you what you ask for. As the scripture says, “Ask and it is given: pressed down, shaken together, running over, will it be poured into your lap..” The Holy Bible.

Habits and Your Projector

What I see is NOT what I get! What I see is who I am! Good habits help creative people remove the confusion from their lives. Good habits form the foundation of our view of ourselves. Listen as I share more about this.

Habits are your friend. Do yourself some good.

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Start with good mental habits to dissolve confusion and discord beginning your new life today.

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