Category: Business Blogging

Blog posts related to tips, strategies, income, personal development and services helpful in training others.

What Is Holiness?

Holiness is true happiness

As You Pray Your Holiness Grows Stronger

As You Pray Your Holiness Grows Stronger

The #1 success secret for a sinner about holiness

What must come first in order to see ourself as holy? The secret to holiness lies in understanding how to create a  foundation. It begins with a mindset of belief and faith the world lacks. It’s such a little secret that it’s easy to miss because our models may not have it either.

Should we have faith in people?

As children, our common tendency is to first observe and then trust others without question.

1. Parents who model good behavior help us believe they love and support us unconditionally.
2. Teachers who model good skill may be trusted and believed if what we are learning seems to advance us towards success.
3. Pastors and Priests may be trusted as we feel we’re getting the training that makes us feel good about God and ourself.

In each case, these mentors can help us or hurt our understanding of how to achieve holiness in life. Because of their placement as authority figures we are vulnerable and therefore susceptible to possible corruption. Belief in holiness and sinning
My lack of knowledge as a youth in the church traumatized me for years. A slight error in judgment early on led me on a life path of failure of heart believing I was a sinner condemned, not loved. I didn’t trust myself which led to my lack of trust of others. I didn’t understand why I lacked confidence and didn’t trust others until many many years later. Because of my desire for truth, I came to learn that Jesus, mature in the knowledge of the truth, modeled someone we could believe and learn from. Trusting Jesus’ teachings, we can achieve a place of maturity and holiness. Knowing God, Jesus taught us how to love God and love ourself to reach holiness.
The Church and our belief
We cannot trust ourselves when making decisions and choices without a proper understanding of self love. We must learn how to set goals with belief in ourself.  Leaning on Jesus’ teachings, we learn how to love ourselves more and accept our failures, forgive ourself and keep going forward towards the whole life he knows will bring us success.

Loving ourselves correctly for holiness

God loves all of us; our strengths and weaknesses.
We have to love and have belief in ourself and take responsibility for our life.

Trusting ourself

We must come to that place of decision. We must seek out and find the truth about love, about God’s love for us, about love and forgivness of others and about holiness. With this understanding, we learn how to believe in God and love, nurture, encourage and build ourselves up in love to success.

Then as we create goals we can accomplish, we must believe they we deserve them. With this belief, we will absolutely trust our decisions and reach the success we desire. Speaking and talking ourself up, we support ourself and properly nurture ourself as we would others we love.

Speaking ourself up toward holiness

Daily speaking words of instruction and encouragement, we build for ourself a life that works. Using the models of others who teach us strategies for success, we set goals and learn how to dream about our future, trusting that our dreams will come true. We can only do this with a belief in God and in ourselves.

*We trust in God that the laws set in place will bring our dreams into reality.
*We trust in ourself that we can have what we want because we are worth it, deserve it and because this is what life is for.
*This glorifies God and pleases Him.

Satisfaction in ourself

Do you think we are born so we can condemn ourself? Have you noticed those of us who judge others and have made a habit of complaining about life. These attitudes and habits are a reflection of how we think about and treat ourself.

What we see is who we are.

The Secret to holiness

We will live without whole life or we can develop ourselves and succeed in life.  The secret we miss when we go after success is the knowledge of how and why to love  ourself. Let’s not let the ignorant teachings of some childhood authorities keep us in the dark by telling us we’re sinners hopeless without a savior. Jesus modeled the life we all are born for. Salvation makes sense when it’s about Jesus’ love and not our sin.

If we are failing in life and things are getting darker, this secret will save us. But how we see ourself is important. We are marvelous individuals with the power to create the life we were born to create. Let this slight error in judgment, believing that we are sinners, be the catalyst to get us to the next step, which is to learn how to love ourself and build ourself up.

Keep negative people at bay

When I was told that I put Jesus on the cross, I didn’t understand what I’d done. What I heard was not what was the truth. It took many many years before I corrected my belief and in my heart understood Jesus’ model of love. He chose the cross. He went of His own fruition. I didn’t put him there. What a terrible idea to plant in childrens’ heads. We have a chance to model godly behavior when we know how to love and nurture ourself. Jesus is one model of great love. There are hundreds of models.

Love yourself today and build yourself up in love to holiness.

Don’t let your misunderstandings taught by ignorant people keep you from the truth that we are unconditionally loved to live our true potential. We each have gifts we were born to give. We can co create in true prosperity and become global agents of change for our planet. Or we can live a more simple life modeling godly behavior in whatever way we desire.

Go right to the source for knowledge and mentorship. Build a foundation for success that withstands the world, inside or outside the authority places of your youth. As we each love ourself, holiness  is present and dreams will absolutely become reality.

Holiness is true happiness




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How To Overcome Regrets In Life

Do you regret things in your life?

How many times have you woken up thinking “I should have done this! I should have done that?” Did it ever help you?

How to overcome regrets in life by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

[pullquote align=” right” textalign=” right” width=”30%”]Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
Love the people who treat you right and forget the ones who don’t.
Believe that everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said that life would be easy.
They just promised that it would be worth it.[/pullquote]

What does our past teach us about life?

We sometimes have beliefs about people.  We can learn from our parent’s beliefs alternate ways we desire to live.  Many of us formed beliefs as children that inhibit us from a prosperous future. Some of us desire to learn from our past and try not to repeat it.

Taking responsibility for our own life, should we take time to judge the motives of others? After all, we haven’t walked in their shoes? If we have ever ended a relationship due to beliefs you had about that person, we may regret that error in judgment after a while.

Most of the time, our regrets are caused by our beliefs. If we know someone who has failed or we have failed ourselves, regretting is another way of punishing ourselves. When we come to that place where we say “why did I do that?”, it’s like yelling at the child for spilling the milk. Instead, we ought to set up a belief that feeling badly for spilling the milk is a poor error in judgment. We are punishing ourselves and this error shows up in regret.

We can be our own best friend though it may be difficult to figure out what that looks and feels like. Why? Because  we may have grown up with a belief that we are sinners, or that we are not perfect. Perhaps we’ve been told we’ll never amount to anything. Additionally, we may have beliefs formed earlier in life resembling those above. Later as adults, we received accolades that we are so wonderful. But we may not be able to receive those compliments because we don’t believe that about ourselves. So sad.

Developing better beliefs that match our present abilities and enhance dreams for our future will help us achieve them much more quickly.  This can help you achieve happiness today.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

War, tragedy, marital breakup, fatal sickness, and things like these seem to be signs of great failure. But there is another better way to see these events and circumstances. But do you know how to?

Keep our thoughts at home where they belong. We have enough to do in a day to judge our own thoughts, actions, ideas and beliefs. By judging others, we are basically judging ourselves.

Being mature is the goal in life. As we attain to maturity, we learn from our experiences. We gain knowledge through coaches and teachers as well as books on the subject of our desires.

Changes in life

Have you ever felt out of control when changes occurred? Most of us have felt this when we have no rules set up for what must happen in order for us to feel happy. Without rules for happiness, changes may appear bad. However, changes are a turn in the road. That change could be what takes you to a better place, a better relationship, a better job or home. For some reason, we insist that changes are “done to us”. This victim mentality indicates that we have not set up the necessary rules for happiness.

We can set up rules that make it very easy for us to succeed and difficult for us to fail. But these must take that place of rules set up earlier by well meaning parents or teachers. Parents who encourage their children to succeed may set up a belief that a “B” is good but an “A” is better. A child may need to get an “A” in order to feel successful. Again, this sad state adults find themselves in make it difficult for them to feel successful because the rules they made for what success looks like.


A good rule might be “if I have learned something from it, then I have success”. Therefore it makes it easy to achieve. Additionally, we can treat our own children with the same belief and create a rule in our family to foster a feeling of success if something is learned by an experience. A child will begin to look for things they learned so that they feel successful. So simple, this rule will not lead to regret.

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]Are you living a balanced life? Sacrifice is good but balance is better because self love always must preceed loving others in order to really help others.[/pullquote] If you are in good health, body, mind and spirit, you are going to be the most helpful, beneficial influence for others.

What were you born to do?

We were born to grow like a plant, to expand our leaves and bear fruit and provide shade for others. If life is easy, we are not growing. This could mean, we begin to die slowly. Those who retire may no longer want the stress or challenge that comes with life, but will soon come to death without the desire to expand. Life is no meant to be “hard”. Our life should be a continual process of growing. This belief will help us to live a balance life while loving ourself and others.

How to overcome regrets in life by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

So what makes life worth it?

Our life’s goal is to live a balanced life, loving ourselves and others. We should look at our experiences as things to learn from. To achieve harmony by taking chances in life,  we grow and develop. Our words and actions become our fruit. Our experiences are like the stalk or trunk. Our life should make a great impact on the world around us.

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The #1 Success Secret For The Sinner – Seeing Ourself

The #1 Success Secret For The Sinner by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

How do we see ourself if we were told we are a sinner?

If we are raised with the sinner philosophy, our redeemed identity lies in creating a healthy foundation for success. It begins with a mindset that many in this world lack to varying degrees. It’s such a little secret that it’s easy to miss. Our parents and teachers may not know this success secret either.

Jesus reflecting on sin to god

Jesus reflecting on sin to god

Should we have faith in our parents?

As children, our initial thought is to trust others without question.

1. Parents who model good behavior help us believe they love and support us unconditionally.
2. Teachers who model good skill may be trusted and believed if what we are learning seems to advance us towards success.
3. Pastors and Priests may be trusted as we feel we’re getting the training that makes us feel good about God and ourself.

In each case, these mentors can help us or hurt our understanding of how to succeed in life. Because of their placement as authority figures we are vulnerable and therefore susceptible to possible corruption.

Belief in ourself and sinning

My lack of knowledge as a youth in the church traumatized me for years. A slight error in judgment early on led me on a life path of failure of heart believing I was a sinner condemned, not loved. I didn’t trust myself which led to my lack of trust of others. I didn’t understand why I lacked confidence and didn’t trust others until many many years later. Because of my desire for truth, I came to learn that Jesus, mature in the knowledge of the truth, modeled someone we could believe and learn from. Trusting Jesus’ teachings, we can achieve a place of maturity and holiness. Knowing God, Jesus taught us how to love God and love ourself in a more holy way.

The Church and our belief

We cannot trust ourselves when making decisions and choices without a proper understanding of self love. We must learn how to set goals with belief in ourself. Leaning on Jesus’ teachings, we learn how to love ourselves more and accept our failures, forgive ourself and keep going forward towards the whole life he knows will bring us success.

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]

God loves all of us; our strengths and weaknesses.

We have to love and have belief in ourself and take responsibility for our life.



Trusting ourself

We must come to that place of decision. We must seek out and find the truth about love, about God’s love for us, about love and forgivness of others. With this understanding, we learn how to believe in God and love, nurture, encourage and build ourselves up in love to success.

Then as we create goals we can accomplish, we must believe that we deserve them. With this belief, we will absolutely trust our decisions and reach the success we desire. Speaking and talking ourself up, we support ourself and properly nurture ourself as we would others we love.

Speaking ourself up

Daily, speaking words of instruction and encouragement, we build for ourself a life that works. Using the models of others who teach us strategies for success, we set goals and learn how to dream about our future, trusting that our dreams will come true. We can only do this with a belief in God and in ourselves.

  • We trust in God that the laws set in place will bring our dreams into reality.
  • We trust in ourself that we can have what we want because we are worth it, deserve it and because this is what life is for.
  • This glorifies God and pleases Him.
 What does Jesus pray  with sinner

What does Jesus say to this sinner?

Satisfaction in ourself

Do you think we are born so we can condemn ourself? Have you noticed those of us who judge others and have made a habit of complaining about life. These attitudes and habits are a reflection of how we think about and treat ourself.

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]What we see is who we are.[/pullquote]

The Secret

We will live without whole life or we can develop ourselves and succeed in life. The secret we miss when we go after success is the knowledge of how and why to love ourself. Let’s not let the ignorant teachings of some childhood authorities keep us in the dark by telling us we’re sinners hopeless without a savior. Jesus modeled the life we all are born for. Salvation makes sense when it’s about Jesus’ love and not our sin.

If we are failing in life and things are getting darker, this secret will save us. But how we see ourself is important. We are marvelous individuals with the power to create the life we were born to create. Let this slight error in judgment, believing that we are sinners, be the catalyst to get us to the next step, which is to learn how to love ourself and build ourself up.

Keep negative people at bay

When I was told that I put Jesus on the cross, I didn’t understand what I’d done. What I heard was not what was the truth. It took many many years before I corrected my belief and in my heart understood Jesus’ model of love. He chose the cross. He went of His own fruition. I didn’t put him there. What a terrible idea to plant in children’s heads. We have a chance to model godly behavior when we know how to love and nurture ourself. Jesus is one model of great love. There are hundreds of models.

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]Love yourself today and build yourself up in love.[/pullquote]

Let’s not allow our misunderstandings taught by ignorant people keep us from the truth that we are unconditionally loved to live our true potential. We each have gifts we were born to give. We can co create in true prosperity and become global agents of change for our planet. Or we can live a more simple life modeling godly behavior in whatever way we desire.

The #1 Success Secret For The Sinner by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Go right to the source for knowledge and mentorship. Build a foundation for success that withstands the world, inside or outside the authority places of your youth. As we each love ourself, success is present and dreams will absolutely become reality.

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How To Have Peace Of Mind

peace  of mind

We can have peace of mind

Peace of mind and You

Ever feel like you’re going to die? Without inspiration, peace in life is useless. Success philosophies teach strategies to make money, have more time, and gain freedom. But there are times when all those strategies don’t seem to work.

Peace  and Personal Experience

Divorce struck me hard and my peace was gone. I struggled for 3 years to overcome what I thought I should. Later, as I worked through fear I failed in several online business opportunities. Then I became inspired to write a book about my experiences.  In  ” Branding You The Brand New You“, I was inspired to share my story about almost got scammed on Then I talk about some of the men I chatted with on Plenty of fish dating site. My photos and profile were complete and even more than other women’s profiles, which gave different impressions to various men. One guys comment was, “So you think you’re all that! You ought to take a look in the mirror!”.  My book tells the conclusion.   Overall, the dating sites gave me an idea of what single men were about. I did a lot of counseling them on their profiles and their mindset, as I was learning about it myself.  Through  spiritual inspiration and a desire to meet someone perfect for me, after 2 years of dating sites, I met a great guy offline. While at a business meeting for Pike County Builders Association, I followed up with those I met for work as a social media manager and website creator. He was one of those I emailed. And he returned an email response which made me reply again. The rest is a beautiful story for another book.  Life after divorce gets better and my peace of mind is being restored in that area.

Peace and Life

Without inspiration,  life stagnates.  Napoleon Hill shared these success strategies in his great book “Think And Grow Rich“. He addresses leadership and finding mentors that inspire.  Leadership principles teach the need for goals and dreams. They help give us a guide for satisfaction in our personal and family life, our employment and our business. Without knowing our own mind  and how to find things that inspire us, making use of drive and affect as a leader is limited or useless when peace is the goal. Combining self development strategies, learning how to set goals, and gather things that inspire spiritual perception, we can find true peace in life.

Peace of mind  and Satisfaction

When we begin in life, we want money and things. Time and  experience tells us there is more to having a satisfying life than goods alone. Many sacrifice peace in search of satisfaction through the accumulation of stuff. . Joe Vitale shares much in his book ” Zero Limits ”  about where to get that success consciousness without sacrificing peace of mind.

There is more to life than money but we all know that without money, we can have little of the things that make life easier and gives us opportunities to serve others, which is very satisfying.  Failure can be erased as new impressions, dreams and goals are formed when we gather around us those people and things that inspire us. Napoleon Hill shares how to have true peace in his book Grow Rich With Peace Of Mind.


Peace of mind begins when inspiration is soundly in place.

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How To Find Happiness By Using Social Media

Happiness is an emotion

How Can I Have Happiness?

How Can I Have Happiness?


How happy are you? How sad do you get? People have a varying states of happiness and during the holidays it seems to be exaggerated! High highs during parties, and low lows when you are home alone without family.

Lost a job and can’t buy gifts or have no time to shop because you are working like crazy to finish up projects before the holiday break! No matter what it is… what can help you feel better is to be an encouragement to others.


Happiness Is Where Your Friends Are!

Happiness Is Where Your Friends Are!

Happiness Is On Facebook

Facebook is great place to find happiness. Use Facebook to help you feel better during the holidays and re-post something funny to help your friends in need!

The holidays are sad for a lot of people who really need happiness. Those who use the power of the internet can watch YouTube videos, read interesting and inspiring articles, or read updates from friends on Facebook or other sites they subscribe to. Don’t let the holidays find you sad or alone.
Happiness Is A Mouse Click AwayHappiness Is A Mouse Click Away

Happiness Is A Mouse Click Away

Happiness is in your hands


Using social media, email, or the internet, you can find happiness and give a gift of encouragement to those who need it. The holiday season is meant to help us connect with a feeling of happiness and those we love. If your children live far away, use Skype or Facebook to keep in touch with them. Don’t let Christmas find you alone. Connect with others using the technology given as a gift to the earth. Have faith.
For a heartwarming tale of happiness with a moral, for kids and adults alike, download or read “The Undecorated Christmas Tree” story at…

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The Undecorated Christmas Tree And Help For Feeling Forgotten

Every Christmas Tree Is Special

Christmas time is filled with sparkle around most homes and towns. Lights, candles, wreaths, tinsel, garland, ornaments, toys, window shopping, even parades..  But there was once a Christmas tree that felt forgotten.


Every Christmas Tree Is Special!

Around Christmas, the family took out their decorations and hung lights outside on window wreaths. Inside, the garlands were lighted and laid out across the buffet and the mantle. The candles were placed on the Christmas table cloth and the little candle wreaths were laid carefully atop the glass holders. The 3 foot decorated Christmas tree was removed from the storage closet and placed carefully on the buffet where it was plugged in and ready to celebrate.


Everything was looking great! The spotlights outside shown on the bare leafed trees and towards the front door covered with Christmas garlands and pine cones. Inside the bare Christmas tree was left opened and standing but without any decorations.


This beautiful tree , quite frankly, felt abandoned. Everyone passed by it day after day not even noticing it’s beautiful branches. It’s smell was vibrant yet it longed for attention. Several days passed and the Christmas tree thought she  heard word of new lights! “Perhaps those lights will be for me”, she said! “I love getting presents and that would make me even more beautiful so that everyone would look at me.” This tree had a problem, you see!


The problem of the Christmas tree


Christmas trees pretty much look alike. Some are tall and others small. But all of them have similar green branches. The only difference the tree can bare is it’s outward appearance. Some trees get very beautiful adornment while others get the bare essentials. But in the end, it’s not even the tree that gets the most attention. It’s the gifts under the tree that are given top priority.


So what is the tree to do?


The Christmas tree knows full well that the short life it has to be adorned is it’s crowning glory! This tree longs for it’s adornment yet it seems so long in coming. In the mean time, the simple branches are left to hang bare and wanting. Well, finally the day came when the glory of Christmas would shine through the lights and garlands this tree would bare. She indeed was correct. Those lights were for her! The Christmas practitioners wanted to adorn her with fresh lights and garlands to make her glory even brighter than in the past! The day came and she could feel alive and vibrant as each light and ornament was carefully hung to make the tree fuller and brighter! Oh, when each ornament was hung, she stood strong and held on to each as if it were life and death. Each piece of tinsel sparkled as she held her lights firmly in hand as if to jump rope with them. When the tree was finally finished the feeling of heaviness came over the tree. She knew the time was coming and she must have some water to keep her strength. Would she be fed or neglected?


The neglected Christmas tree


The feeling of neglect overwhelmed the Christmas tree this season. She worried that she would not be decorated. Now she worried that she’d not have her needs met. Would she have to drop some ornaments to get attention and quench her thirst? The following morning, after a restless night upholding her perceived burdens, the Christmas practitioner awoke and turned on the radio and some Christmas music. The Christmas tree was aroused with hope and the caregiver walked by. Plugging in the Christmas lights, the caregiver disappeared to the kitchen and returned with a large container. “Ahhhh, water”, thought she. And in no time, her strength mounted and she felt the refreshment that only water can bring.


Christmas day


In time, the tree held many packages under it’s wings and protected everyone from onlookers. The children danced around it and begged mother to let them sleep under it the night before Christmas eve. What excitement the Christmas tree felt at that prospect. All eyes would be on her and she would feel terrific. There wish came true as they grabbed their sleeping bags, cookies and milk and lay at the foot of the tree looking at all the sparkles. Christmas tree was in her glory getting the attention she longed for and knew it was what she was born for!


The final stages came to be and Christmas day came. The tree released each gift with pride knowing her job was about complete. Her wish came true. She was adorned and she bore the responsibility well. In time, as trees know, they must be released back into the wilderness to assist the baring of other Christmas trees. Her day was complete and the Christmas caregivers dealt fairly with her through the whole process. She was satisfied with her work and Christmas was a success for her and for the family she shared it with.


Moral of the story: We may think poorly and we will sometimes. But we will be dealt with fairly as we allow ourselves to be aroused with hope for a prosperous future. Every Christmas Tree Is Special!





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8 Rules To Prepare You For Pain Of The Inevitable (Loss)

You See pain as a threat?

You see pain as a threat?

Pain And Panic

Most people have a firm foundation enough to be happy  with their life. However, when the inner life is threatened by too big a change for the comfort level of the outer life, a feeling of pain may be experienced. One threat to the comfort level may happen when a loved one dies. Listen to this Mixcloud podcast to hear more.

So how does one stop the pain? The inner life has a set of default rules it engages when their is such a  threat. The fight or flight response is effective for physical danger. However, when the outer life receives alarming news from a physician, a spouse, or a stranger for that matter, various  reactions can occur.

If rules are in place to manage the inner life’s vulnerability, the threat may be managed with a statement to halt or a manageable emotionally prepared response.

Sometimes an unemotional response occurs as a defense mechanism which the human has built into the brain. The experience may be too painful and the “shock” affect when at first experienced must be broken up into manageable bites. e.g. rape, unexpected death of a child.

The inner life speaks to the unknown god. The outer life prays desperately and religiously. The inner life must protect life. The outer life responds or reacts depending on the rules of emotional engagement set up by the inner life.

“If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger!”

This quote speaks of a “strength” one develops having experienced painful events. Do you agree with this quote? The strength of a person is really the manifestation of the rules set up in the inner life.  The “killing” has to do with the outer life, a physical event. What really occurs is that the inner life desiring to preserve itself, creates rules based on the severity of the pain. Every human has a choice to change those built in responses to those that serve them more responsibly.

What can one do today to manage a pain filled circumstance that comes to them?

Let’s assume there are 3 levels of pain. Determine ahead of time what rules to set up for each level of severity.
1. Loss of job – painful, loss of income, probably not life threatening.
2. Death of a loved one – very painful, final, closure.
3. Divorce – may be severely painful depending on circumstances, guilt, long lasting grief, change in lifestyle and family dynamics, may last a lifetime, closure rare.

Of the 3 levels, divorce is the most severe because the inner life continues to have to manage the outer life experiences.

Managing Pain

Setting up rules ahead of time for these 3 kinds of pain will prepare us so that shock is eliminated and anxiety is manageable.  What kinds of rules should we set up with our inner life?

1. We are born with adaptable instincts.
2. Our brains have the ability to keep pleasurable memories and visions of future happiness top of mind.
3. Our heart is protected by infinite intelligence (God). We can access the power of the unknown for peace and grace at all times.
4. It’s okay to not have all the answers. We do have control over how we manage our emotions so we are happy.
5. We choose to release anxiety over the unknown and enlist feelings of gratitude for ways this benefits us. We are not responsible for the unknown.
6. We choose 5 things to be grateful for at anytime. When experiencing painful or pleasurable events or circumstances, gratefulness becomes our window to happiness and peace.
7. We condition our thoughts regularly when we experience small moments of pain now and then, so we are more ready if or when greater pain occurs.
8. We state the inevitable in a once a year ritual while happy. Here are 3 examples.
a. ‘Our loved ones will die some day. I am prepared emotionally to manage my state so I am not shocked.’
b. Divorce is something I may experience and i am prepared to manage my emotions if it were to happen to me.
c. I may be laid off or fired from my job. I am prepared to manage my emotions and give myself permission to seek another job.

These rules and yearly rituals are helpful tools so that incidents of pain are traversed with power and control over our emotions. Create your list of empowering rules and statements with your particular circumstances in mind. These will help you if and when your inner life is threatened by pain.

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The Action Plan Strategy That Organized People Don’t Share About Life

Your life plan for success

Your life plan for success

Without a life plan, we flounder about without a life raft. Get this free download and get started. After reading this book, you can utilize the Life Plan template to assist your planning.

This book will give you the strategy that is needed to get you started building the life you want.


My Life PLAN

[Your Name]

As of Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Outcomes For Life

How do you want to be remembered by the following?

[Write your outcome here.]

My Spouse             [Write your outcome here.]

My Children          [Write your outcome here.]

My Parents            [Write your outcome here.]

My Colleagues      [Write your outcome here.]

My Friends            [Write your outcome here.]

Priorities In Life

What is most important to you?

  1.          1.      [Write your first priority here.]
  2.          2.      [Write your first priority here.]
  3.          3.      [Write your first priority here.]
  4.          4.      [Write your first priority here.]
  5.          5.      [Write your first priority here.]

Action Plans For Life

Account 1: [Write your first account heading.]

Envisioned Future:

[Write your envisioned future statement.]

Purpose Statement:

[Write your purpose statement.]

Supporting Verse:

[Optional: Include a supporting Bible verse.]

Current Reality:

  • [Write your first item.]
  • [Write your first item.]
  • [Write your first item.]
  • [Write your first item.]

Specific Commitments:

Account 2: [Write your second account heading.]

Envisioned Future life:

[Write your envisioned future statement.]

Purpose Statement:

[Write your purpose statement.]

Supporting Verse:

[Optional: Include a supporting Bible verse.]

Current Reality:

Specific Commitments:

[Copy and Paste the action plan for life template as many times as you need.]

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How To Embrace Change In Any Season

Be The Change You Want To See In The World

Be The Change You Want To See In The World

How You See Change

What do you see when you look at your life? Are you a victim of your circumstances? Is the devil out to get you? Well, I beg to differ. I lived in that place at one time but it’s no longer for me. I took hold of my life. I took responsibility for my thoughts and actions and I feel better now.Click the picture below to listen to this Mixcloud Audio below to help you embrace the changes you need to bring you happiness now.

How To Embrace Change In Any Season by Caryn Elizabeth on Mixcloud

Values and Change

When I realized that I was in charge of my thought life, it amazed me to see how poorly I was thinking. I thought I was a positive person. But I also believed that the devil was sabotaging me with events to trip me up. Wow, was I wrong. My values were in conflict and the fear it caused was what messed me up and sabotaged me over and over.

Believe In Your Dreams And Change Your Future

Believe In Your Dreams And Change Your Future

Change is Good

When I realized that I left it up to God to fix things, I still lacked the love for myself that needed to be in place so I could embrace His love. When I saw that I was not a “sinner” but that I had lacked the knowledge needed to live abundantly, I embraced this quest to acknowledge that I was lovable and that God’s abundance was my abundance. I could not escape His love and the universes laws. These laws are set up to help us use our creativity to create the life we want.

How Do You Embrace Change Of Seasons?

How Do You Embrace Change Of Seasons?

Design Change

When we love ourselves, we must include the belief that God is for us. He created the world and provided the model of creativity for us. We are encouraged as spiritual beings to create the life we want by designing it in our mind; seeing the perfect relationships, our beautiful home, fulfilling work life or an exciting business venture.

Change As a Global Agent

Once we find out the secret of a successful life, we will want to help others. It has become my “why” in life. I was “lost” but now I’m “found”. I was “blind” but now I “see”.

Do You See Change As Opportunity

Do You See Change As Opportunity

The Challenge Of Change

Do you see your life in a positive way? Do you like the changes occurring? Perhaps it’s time to revisit your relationship with yourself and see if you might make some changes in the way you see yourself. Your life is filled with possibilities and what you can create is endless. Trust yourself, forgiving yourself and trust that the laws of sowing and reaping are real. Sow seeds of greatness into yourself. You deserve every loving change.

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What Your Priest Won’t Tell You About Your Choices

Your Priest Won't Tell You About Your Choices

Your Priest Won’t Tell You About Your Choices

Choices That Help

Happiness is about our CHOICES. How do we make choices that support us? We need to learn from someone who is good at making right choices. Find someone. It could be Jesus. But it could be a friend who you trust, a parent you love, a grandparent or co worker who mentors you.

Choices That Hurt

Listen as I explain where I got so off track as a child that led me to make wrong choices and create a future that hurt me rather than gave me the pleasure I deserved. It was my own fault. I take responsibility for it now and you can too! Learn more when you listen to the Mixcloud audio above. It will empower you to make better choices starting today!

Being Responsible For Our Choices

Let me explain what truth wisdom I see about the verse and interpretation I placed below this article and podcast. It should help those who are in fear that the devil is out to get them. Get some simple step by step help you can do today to empower your future instead of fearing it.

This is the statement I address. Read and listen to see why I disagree with some key words used.

Psalms 119:133 Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me.

Marsha’s interpretation:
Beloved, stay on track.  Don’t let anything derail you from your focus on things that really matter–things of eternal value and importance.  The enemy will do all he can to cause confusion, condemnation, and distraction.  It is up to you to resist the attacks of the enemy, keep your thoughts under the rule of My Spirit and to control your emotional impulses and responses.  Then, trust Me to give you wisdom and direction in all things, says the Lord.  I am for you!

Starting today, you can empower yourself with these simple steps outlined in the podcast here; and begin by making choices that support you; not add fear to your life.

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